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mysql bi_Power Query MySQL 数据库连接器 | Micr

发布时间:2022-12-20 14:03:51 所属栏目:MsSql教程 来源:转载
导读: MySQL 数据库MySQL database
发布状态Release State
正式版General Availability
Power BI(数据集)Power BI (Datas

MySQL 数据库MySQL database






发布状态Release State

正式版General Availability


Power BI(数据集)Power BI (Datasets)

Power BI(数据流)Power BI (Dataflows)

Power Apps(数据流)Power Apps (Dataflows)


Dynamics 365 Customer InsightsDynamics 365 Customer Insights

Analysis ServicesAnalysis Services

支持的身份验证类型Authentication Types Supported

通过网关) 的 Windows (Power BI Desktop、Excel 和联机服务Windows (Power BI Desktop, Excel, online service with gateway)

数据库 (Power BI Desktop,Excel)Database (Power BI Desktop, Excel)

包含网关) 的基本 (联机服务Basic (online service with gateway)

函数参考文档Function Reference Documentation


由于部署计划和特定于主机的功能,某些功能可能出现在一个产品中,而不是其他一些功能。Some capabilities may be present in one product but not others due to deployment schedules and host-specific capabilities.


默认情况下,Power BI 安装 MySQL 数据库的 OLE DB 驱动程序。By default, Power BI installs an OLE DB driver for MySQL database. 但是,为了获得最佳性能,我们建议在使用 MySQL 数据库连接器之前,客户安装 SQL Server Native Client 。However, for optimal performance, we recommend that the customer installs the SQL Server Native Client before using the MySQL database connector. 最新版本支持 SQL Server Native Client 11.0 和 SQL Server Native Client 10.0。SQL Server Native Client 11.0 and SQL Server Native Client 10.0 are both supported in the latest version.

支持的功能Capabilities Supported


高级选项Advanced options

命令超时(分钟)Command timeout in minutes

本机 SQL 语句Native SQL statement

关系列Relationship columns

在完整层次结构中导航Navigate using full hierarchy

从 Power Query 桌面连接到 MySQL 数据库Connect to MySQL database from Power Query Desktop

请执行以下步骤来建立连接:To make the connection, take the following steps:

选择连接器选择中的 " MySQL 数据库 " 选项。Select the MySQL database option in the connector selection.

在 " MySQL 数据库 " 对话框中,提供服务器和数据库的名称。In the MySQL database dialog, provide the name of the server and database.


选择 数据库 身份验证类型,并在 " 用户名 " 和 " 密码 " 框中输入 MySQL 凭据。Select the Database authentication type and input your MySQL credentials in the User name and Password boxes.


选择要将凭据应用到的级别。Select the level to apply your credentials to.

完成后,选择 "确定"。Once you're done, select OK.


如果连接未加密,则会出现以下对话框提示。If the connection is not encrypted, you'll be prompted with the following dialog.


选择 "确定" 以使用未加密的连接连接到数据库mssql连接器,或按照 说明 设置加密连接以 SQL Server。Select OK to connect to the database by using an unencrypted connection, or follow the instructions to set up encrypted connections to SQL Server.

在 "导航器" 中,选择所需的数据,然后加载或转换数据。In Navigator, select the data you require, then either load or transform the data.


从 Power Query 联机连接到 MySQL 数据库Connect to MySQL database from Power Query Online

请执行以下步骤来建立连接:To make the connection, take the following steps:

选择连接器选择中的 " MySQL 数据库 " 选项。Select the MySQL database option in the connector selection.

在 " MySQL 数据库 " 对话框中,提供服务器和数据库的名称。In the MySQL database dialog, provide the name of the server and database.


如有必要,请包含本地数据网关的名称。If necessary, include the name of your on-premises data gateway.

选择 " 基本 " 身份验证类型,并在 " 用户名 " 和 " 密码 " 框中输入 MySQL 凭据。Select the Basic authentication kind and input your MySQL credentials in the Username and Password boxes.

如果连接未加密,请清除 " 使用加密连接"。If your connection isn't encrypted, clear Use Encrypted Connection.

选择 " 下一步 " 以连接到数据库。Select Next to connect to the database.

在 "导航器" 中,选择所需的数据,然后在 Power Query 编辑器中选择 " 转换数据 " 以转换数据。In Navigator, select the data you require, then select Transform data to transform the data in Power Query Editor.

使用高级选项连接Connect using advanced options

Power Query 桌面提供一组可在需要时添加到查询中的高级选项。Power Query Desktop provides a set of advanced options that you can add to your query if needed.


下表列出了可以在 Power Query Desktop 中设置的所有高级选项。The following table lists all of the advanced options you can set in Power Query Desktop.

高级选项Advanced option


命令超时(分钟)Command timeout in minutes

如果连接持续时间超过10分钟 (默认超时时间) ,可以在几分钟内输入另一个值以保持连接打开的时间。If your connection lasts longer than 10 minutes (the default timeout), you can enter another value in minutes to keep the connection open longer. 此选项仅在 Power Query Desktop 中可用。This option is only available in Power Query Desktop.

包含关系列Include relationship columns

如果选中,则包含可能与其他表有关系的列。If checked, includes columns that might have relationships to other tables. 如果清除此复选框,您将看不到这些列。If this box is cleared, you won’t see those columns.

在完整层次结构中导航Navigate using full hierarchy

如果选中,导航器将显示您要连接到的数据库中的表的完整层次结构。If checked, the navigator displays the complete hierarchy of tables in the database you're connecting to. 如果清除,导航器仅显示其列和行包含数据的表。If cleared, the navigator displays only the tables whose columns and rows contain data.

选择所需的高级选项后,在 "Power Query 桌面" 中选择 "确定" 以连接到 MySQL 数据库。Once you've selected the advanced options you require, select OK in Power Query Desktop to connect to your MySQL database.


